
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the CESNI, representatives of States that are not members of either the European Union Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine may be invited to take part in the work of the Committee and its working groups.

The experience and expertise these Observer States have with regard to inland navigation constitute a valuable bonus for the work of the Committee and its working groups, and lend further weight to the standards drawn up by the CESNI in the field of inland navigation in Europe.

List of observer States

  • Republic of Serbia (observer State since 6 July 2017): FR / DENL / EN

Mr Jovanović, Consul of the Republic of Serbia, and Mr Georges, Executive Secretary of the CESNI, at the Palais du Rhin on 19 July 2017

  • Republic of Ukraine (observer State since 18 October 2017): FR / DENL / EN

Mr Shalamay,  director-general of the Shipping Register of Ukraine, and Mr Georges, Executive Secretary of the CESNI, at the Palais du Rhin on 18 October 2017

  • United Kingdom (observer State since 15 April 2021) : FR / DENL / EN

  • Republic of Moldova (observer State since 20 April 2023) : FR / DENL / EN

national flag of the Republic of Moldova

Procedure for becoming an observer State

A State wishing to be granted observer status must apply in writing to the Committee through the Secretariat; in its application it must undertake to abide by the conditions set out in Article 2 of the CESNI’s Internal Regulations on the Status of Observer States:

  • inform the Committee of the names and status of the individuals authorised to represent it;
  • comply with the Rules of Procedure of the CESNI, and in consequence comply with the rules governing the working bodies in which it takes part, and in particular with the instructions of the Chairs of the bodies in question;
  • treat all documents and information relating to the work of the Committee and its working groups with due confidentiality.

For further information on the procedure, please refer to the Internal Regulations on the Status of Observer States: FR / DE / NL / EN